sd Basvinex BASVINEX
Blue Elephant
Savurează. Simte. Trăiește
Vinăria Romănești are onoarea să prezinte seria de vinuri Blue Elephant
Sauvignon Blanc
Culoare galben-pai deschis, aromă proaspătă de fructe, note de lime și piersici
Aromă intensă de flori și fructe tropicale, cu note de vanilie și mere
Pinot Grigio
Aromă delicioasă și proaspătă de citrice, piersici și pepene galben
Cabernet Sauvignon
Culoare rubinie intensă, cu note de ciocolată, vanilie și migdale
Gustul este catifelat cu arome delicate de migdale
Pinot Noir
Arome de cireșe și vanilie, avind un gust catifelat și fin
vinăria istorica a Moldovei
Romănești - vinăria istorică a Moldovei produce vin de calitate deja de peste 140 de ani.
Fabrica și plantațiile de vii proprii sunt situate în s. Romănești, în regiunea centrală a Moldovei numită Codru, regiune cu soluri bogate tocmai potrivite pentru soiuri albe de struguri si Pinot Noir.
În anul 1812, cînd Basarabia a fost anexata la Imperiul Rus, Țarul Alexandru I invită vinificatori francezi să organizeze producerea vinurilor de calitate. În aceasta zona, multe plantatii de vii au devenit proprietatea familiei imperiale, a fost fondata moșia casei Romanov, de aici a provenit denumirea localitații și a vinăriei Romănești.
Fabrica de vinuri Romănești a devenit furnizorul curții imperiale, producînd vinuri rafinate de o calitate înalta.
În 2001 vinăria a fost privatizată de proprietarii săi actuali, care au scopul să reînvie gloria vinurilor imperiale. Fonduri și eforturi semnificative au fost investite în reînnoirea podgoriilor și în procesul de producere a vinurilor.

R. Moldova , r.Strășeni

s.Romănești MD 3728

Tel/fax 0 (22) 49 13 06, 0 (22) 49 55 67

Enjoy. Feel. Live.
Romanesti Winery has the honor to present the Blue Elephant wine series
Sauvignon Blanc
This Sauvignon Blanc exudes vibrant ripe citrus notes, crunchy greens and hints of tropical guava on the nose. The palate is refined and elegant with superb natural fruit weight providing a juicy core of layered fruit, med-dry and rich finish.
This had-crafted Chardonnay opens sharp and spicy, with light but juicy fruit. Flavors of clean apple and pear run into hints of peach, then resolve with a oaky finish
Pinot Grigio
Fresh, lively, precise, medium-bodied with a fresh mouth-watering finish, medium-dry and crisp. Flavors of apples, pears and nuts.
Cabernet Sauvignon
The aromas of this luscious, elegant wine lift from the glass with hints of blackberry crisp and plum highlighted by wisps of cedar and vanilla. Rich crimson in color and concentrated dark fruit, the wine envelops the palate with layers of wild berry, black currant and toast.
This medium-bodied Merlot is rich from the front to mid palate with fresh summer strawberries, blackberries, and plums. The fine tannins are nicely integrated into the wine making it approachable upon release.
Pinot Noir
This wine opens to reveal lifted fruit aromas of bright strawberry and jammy fruit, mocha, and vanilla, along with toasty oak notes. The well-balanced oak provides structure and tannin. Medium-bodied and elegent Pinot.
the historical winery of Moldova
Romanesti - Moldova's historic winery has been producing quality wine for over 140 years.
The factory and its own vineyards are located in the village of Romaneşti, in the central region of Moldova called Codru, a region with rich soils suitable for white grape varieties and Pinot Noir.
In 1812, when Bessarabia was annexed to the Russian Empire, Tsar Alexander I invited French winemakers to organize the production of quality wines. In this area, many vineyards became the property of the imperial family, as a result the estate of the Romanov family was founded, hence the name of the village and of the Romanesti winery.
The Romanesti wine factory became the supplier of the Imperial Court, producing refined wines of high quality.
In 2001 the winery was privatized by its current owners, whose purpose is to revive the glory of imperial wines. Significant funds and efforts have been invested in the renewal of vineyards and in the wine production process.

R. Moldova , r.Strășeni

s.Romănești MD 3728

Geniessen. Fühlen, Leben
Das Weingut Romanesti, präsentiert Ihnen mit voller Stolz, unsere “Blue Elephant” Kollektion
“Blue Elephant”
Sauvignon Blanc
Strohgelb mit leicht grünlichen Reflexen. Frische fruchtige Aromen von Stachelbeere, Grapefruit und Limette. Knackige Säure, elegantem Körper und trocken.
“Blue Elephant”
Brillantes Goldgelb, opulente Aromen vom gelben Apfel, Mandeln und Zitronenschale. Vollmundig und elegant mit feinen Holznoten, gut eingebundener Säure und trockenem Nachhall.
“Blue Elephant”
Pinot Grigio
Brillantes Goldgelb, feine dezente Aromen von Apfel, Walnuss und Zitrone. Säurearm, leicht und trocken.
“Blue Elephant”
Cabernet Sauvignon
Dunkles Rubinrot, mit intensiven klassischen Aromen von Cassis, Waldfrüchte und Zedernholz. Kräftiger vollmundiger, sonnenverwöhnter Cabernet mit gutem ausgeprägtem Tannin.
“Blue Elephant”
Rubinrot, mit violetten Schattierungen, Aromen von Kirschen, Brombeeren und Bitterschokolode. Vollmundig mit feinem Tannin und eleganter Säure verleihen Ihm eine trockene Leichtigkeit.
“Blue Elephant”
Pinot Noir
Ziegelrot, mit fruchtigen Aromen von Erdbeeren, Himbeeren und feiner Würze von Piment und Nelken. Leichter runder Körper mit gut eingebundener Säure und trockenem Tannin.
Das traditionelle und geschichtsreiche Weingut aus Codru, Moldawien.
Moldavien liegt zwischen den 46º - 47º Breitengraden, gleich wie andere berühmte Weinregionen wie z.B das Burgund.
Unser Wein überzeugt durch Qualität und Preis Leistung – und spiegelt das internationale Terrior im Glas wieder.
Zar Alexander II von Russland (1855-1881) Eroberer von Russland und Erbe der Romanov Dynasty war ein grosser Liebhaber von moldawischen Wein. Historische Dokumente belegen, dass die Romanov Familie das Weingut Romanesti in Codru gegründet hat, zu ehren von Zar Alexander II.
Moldavien ist ein sehr fruchtbares Land. Von Bauern und Winzern wurde dieses mit Nachhaltigkeit und Zuneigung bewirtschaftet über hunderten von Jahren.
Im Jahre 2001 wurde das Weingut privatisiert, um die Ehre und hohe Qualität unserer Weine aus vergangener Geschichte wieder auf erleben zulassen: Mit dem internationalen Wissen unseres Winzers aus Italien und lokaler Unterstützung ist unser Weingut auf internationalen Qualitätsstandard.

R. Moldova , r.Strășeni

s.Romănești MD 3728